Current Projects

Written Word

Painted Canvas

Painted Canvas

Painted Canvas

Truth is gravity that holds us and begs me to create. Yet every time i try to draw the moon in the sky, she wanes. My compass slips. The tide is lopsided and taken me adrift on its tilted horizon. I call the sky north. I'm just trying to get up. The earth is receding with every wave. I'm drowning in what used to be Portugal. The frogs sing themselves to sleep. I dream on lily pads. With eyes closed, the stars hit me. Ancient atoms striking past marrow and bone and cellulose. I am acquainted with millions of years and millions of deaths yet I wake unaware of the light that has divorced me and is plummeting miles per second towards tomorrow's girl as she sleeps on some other world. I don't know where I came from but I want every atom to be bottles full of messages to orbit the earth and come back to me. Sing songs of sparrows. Remind me how small I am. But today’s song is cruel, “It all depends on me.” I'm failing. (It all depends on me) I'm flailing as I retrace the moon (It all depends on me) "Sun!, don't go down, I need time to get it right." The Earth won't hold still. "Hold me.” I've got nothing left to write. ( it all depends on me)

Song Lyrics

Painted Canvas

Painted Canvas

Painted Canvas

Painted Canvas